Leviticus DMV finds his girl.
“It’s been two years to the day that this big beautiful boy came into our lives and it’s been nothing but exciting to watch them (Chelsea and Levi) grow together. Levi is definitely a devoted one person horse who looks up to his person with love, trust and nickers every time he sees her. He has a kind heart and is good with us as well. Lyle (my husband) rode him for the first time yesterday and he was very patient and honest with an adult amateur on his back.
Chelsea and Levi have attended 6 shows this year and have placed in all but a few classes that they have entered. They’ve received Champion and Reserve Champion in their division and will be acknowledged at the year end ceremony as well. They finished the year off at the three foot mark and will be moving up the rails next year to the meters with plans to compete at Thunderbird Show Park. They’ve come a long way together!” -Veda Hanna on the partnership between her Daughter Chelsea and Leviticus DMV. @island.horses
A Home for Limoges DMV.
“Limoges was and has been the most extraordinary horse I have had the chance to bring on undersaddle. All the handling, preparation and love given to her as a young horse really showed- Limoges always looked to humans for comfort or reassurance when questions did arise. Super movement, phenomenal attitude and great confirmation!” -Robyn Majoribanks on her purchase of Limoges DMV in 2015, @candorequestrian @robynmajoribanks
A place for every horse.
“So appreciative of the wonderful care and training our horses have received at Dreamcatcher Meadows. From our retired mare to our yearling the quality of feed, handling, and environment is second to none! I wish every horse could have this experience.”
-Roz Scott, Boarder
A Family for Wellington DMV
“He is doing so well!! I have been working with him intermittently in the round pen and he is a very willing and fast learner! Very eager to please, I just love working with him. He is great with my girls too, they always want to go see him, my oldest daughter, age 4,helps me brush him He is so sweet and respectful of space, there are not too many yearlings I would trust around my kids, but he is exceptional! My sister is a farrier, so she has trimmed him and he has been great for her too. He’s a star!! I am so happy with him! Thank you for all the time you spent with him.”
-Jessica Neidermeyer on purchase of homebred yearling Wellington DMV as family pleasure horse.
“Watch This DMV” heads home.
“Finally at the end of June, my Wyatt (registered Watch This by Windfall) came to our home on Vancouver Island from Dreamcatcher Meadows in Pemberton. After he caught my eye (and heart) on a visit to the farm in Pemberton in August 2016, I bought him as a weanling in January 2017.
I got to know Jill & John and their staff while going through with the purchasing arrangements. I had the utmost confidence in them and decided that my new treasure should stay at Dreamcatcher for him to grow and become a horse. After weaning Wyatt spent 1 1/2 years turned out with ten or twelve yearlings and two year olds. With an endless supply of hay, regular farrier and veterinary care he thrived.
Never being off the farm, I was concerned about trailering him home. The trip was very stressful for him, especially the thunderous noise on the ferry. Despite the trauma, once home, he recovered quickly, eating and drinking in no time. This was an important example of how well he was handled, preparing him for his future.
Wyatt has a great temperament. He learns quickly what is O.K. and what isn’t although he can be a bit cheeky. At Dreamcatcher everything revolves around what’s best for the horses. Their breeding, management and training produce happy, trusting athletes. I found everything I was looking for in a chestnut colt; the result of Jill and John’s many years of breeding, knowledge and experience.
Thanks again Dreamcatcher Meadows in helping me catch my dream.” -Jan Longair about her experience with her Dreamcatcher Meadows foal, Watch This DMV
A home away from home.
“I have been riding/boarding/purchasing ponies from Dreamcatcher Meadows since 2011. The quality of horses bred here are exceptional. The level of care they provide to horses boarded at their facility is unreal. I can rest at night knowing that my horses are loved like they are Jill and John's own. The facilities are beautiful and obviously nothing beats the location. My riding sky rocketed once I was in lessons with Jill and John. Truly a very special place with special horses and people.” - Anna Scott, Owner of Whistler DMV, Borealis DMV, Madison Avenue, and formally Radiance DMV.
“Their breeding program is quite phenomenal. They’ve obviously researched it very well and done a super job.”
— RCMP Musical Ride Breeding Program director, John Phillips commenting on decision to breed to Dreamcatcher Meadows’ stallion.
“Once again your horses have amazing competition results! How exciting! Also, your foundation mare Dreamcatcher is the only one of thousands (6,352) to receive all fives stars in our 5 Star Lifetime Achievement program (first three stars achieved on exceptional results this individual horse’s breed society inspection and performance test results, competition results at FEI young horse level and FEI Olympic level competition with final two stars achieved on accolades achieved by the horse’s progeny at same evaluations.) Congratulations to you and your exceptional girl!”
— Jean Brooks, American Warmblood Society President email announcing Dreamcatcher Elite’s Lifetime Achievement Award
“Gorgeous facility!! The horses are not only impeccably bred, they are raised in herds to develop bone and athleticism that will be instrumental in living a long, happy life. The quality of horses being raised by John and Jill is incredible. I will have to somehow put myself in the market to buy a DCM youngster!”
— Lisa Volk
“My wife and I have had the great pleasure of visiting Dreamcatcher Meadows two years in a row. We see the absolute passion John, Jill, Kierston and the rest of the staff have for their beloved horses. We hope to make it an annual tradition to visit and continue to introduce our children to all of the beauty and splendour this ranch has to offer. I hope that this best kept secret is found and enjoyed by all!”
— Eric Low